● Graphic Recording


Georgina Hill combines  artistic skill with business intelligence – so you don’t just end up with pretty pictures, but attractive artwork with meaningful, intelligent content. Her professional background as a British diplomat with insider experience of a multinational company means she understands ‘business lingo’ and the commercial environment. So she can grasp and filter complex topics to convey the significant soundbites.

She also knows from experience how important it is to have someone reliable and responsive to work with, who prioritises confidentiality – and can adapt in a flash when your workshop inevitably keeps changing, even at the eleventh hour!

CLIENTS include:

Clients visual logos Nov15…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

1&3 Dustin Kehoe & Chia Tan


3 Roundtable Smarter Cities v2


Comms & Growth slant




BASF photo


If you’d like to add an artistic touch to your own live event, conference, company workshop, presentation slides – or have a practical workshop on how to pep up your own communication materials, please contact info@georginahill.com


Jones Lang LaSalle showcased GHi’s real estate city casestudies at the ANREV conference 2015 – and GHi live sketched guests’ portraits onto the Singapore skyline

JLL printoutsJLL-WEF-Shanghai-v1…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Instead of sticking to standard Powerpoint, the World Economic Forum’s Grow Asia partnership used pre-prepared GHi illustrations as XXL infographic posters to animate their workshop debates and brainstorms at their Annual Forum in KL in 2016 – www.growasia.org

Grow Asia Poster #7 VIETNAM v8 FINAL4b

Grow Asia Poster #4 MYANMAR v5 FINAL


IDC Telecom Summit 2015 with Cisco, talking tech trends

4 Cisco IDC Lunch Virtualization2 Schneider Electric R Bunger Localized Data Centers



The Leadership Vanguard, Singapore 2015 – ‘Redefining growth and the mindset of future leadership’ with MasterCard, Unilever, DNV GL & more

Fut Mindset slantVanguard Leadership main visual

photo GHi in action 3 Feb15

Halcyon Media

TEDxWomenSingapore conference, Singapore Dec 2013


P1050405 P1050404


SparkSummit2013_JirkaM (353)

Why LiveSCRIBE rocks

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